RoboChargers CAD Class

Welcome to 3005 RoboChargers’ Module 1 CAD Class! You will find that each lesson contains two parts: “Engineering and COTS” and “CAD.” Be sure to watch through both parts to be fully prepared to move onto the next lesson. By the end of the course, you will have gained a thorough understanding of designing an FRC robot using Onshape, with a toolbelt of tips and tricks to make the process easier and faster. 

Reach out to with any questions!

CAD Module 1: Unit 1

This first installment of our “Engineering and COTS” section of our Module 1 CAD Class will cover the basic information you need to get started with CAD.

Engineering Topic: What is CAD?

COTS Topic: Fasteners 

The first CAD lesson in our Module 1 CAD Class will cover getting your OnShape account set up, adding MKCAD and feature scripts, and utilizing documents, tabs, and 3D navigation. Be sure to watch parts 1 and 2 of the CAD section this unit!

Unit 1 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 2

In the second installment of our “Engineering and COTS” lessons, we’ll discuss standard manufacturing methods and some of the common materials you will encounter in your design process. 

Engineering Topic: Manufacturing Methods

COTS Topic: Raw Materials

This Unit we’ll be wrapping up our lesson on documents and tabs, and beginning to work through the use of sketches, extrusions, and the tube generator. 

Unit 2 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 3

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering torque and moments, and shafts, bearings, and hubs

Engineering Topic: Torque & Moments

COTS Topic: Shafts, Bearings, and Hubs

We’ll be diving further into our lesson on sketches with a discussion about constraints, as well as covering extrusions, revolutions, and work geometry. 

Unit 3 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 4

In Engineering and COTS this unit, we’ll be covering gears and gear ratios along with their benefits. 

Engineering Topic: Gear Ratios

COTS Topic: Gears

We’ll be learning how to modify our object using the hole, pattern, and mirror features. We will also begin to work in our assembly with grounding, grouping, and mates.

Unit 4 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 5

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering planetary gearboxes and the math behind designing a custom gearbox.

Engineering Topic: Engineering 2-stage Gearbox Design

COTS Topic: Planetary Gearboxes

We’ll be learning how layout sketches are used, how to import components, and model a 2-stage gearbox.

Unit 5 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 6

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering intakes, launchers, and how wheels are used for both driving and intaking. 

Engineering Topic: Intakes & Launchers

COTS Topic: Wheels

We’ll be continuing to model our 2-stage gearbox, importing COTS components, and adding lightening features to the gearbox plates. 

Unit 6 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 7

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering the basics of pneumatics and pneumatic hardware.

Engineering Topic: Pneumatic Circuits

COTS Topic: Pneumatics

We’ll begin a new project involving pneumatics, creating a layout sketch, model parts, and create a flexable assembly. 

Unit 7 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 8

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering the stress and strain of different materials along with roller chains and sprockets.

Engineering Topic: Material Strength

COTS Topic: Chain & Sprockets

We’ll be finishing up the previous pneumatic project.

Unit 8 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 9

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering arm and elevator mechanisms, timing belts, and pulleys.

Engineering Topic: Arms & Elevators

COTS Topic: Timing Belts & Pulleys

We’ll be going over the purpose and process of creating drawings, including views, dimensions, holes, and ordinate dimensions.

Unit 9 Onshape Document Link

CAD Module 1: Unit 10

In Engineering and COTS this Unit, we’ll be covering how DC motors work, their different preformances, and the different motors available in FRC.

Engineering Topic: DC Motor Performance

COTS Topic: Motors In FRC

We’ll be creating a motor and belt-driven project from scratch, starting from a layout sketch to creating an assembly that includes hardware.

Unit 10 Onshape Document Link

More Modules to Come! Keep an Eye On This Page!