To kick off week two of build season we focused on making some good progress on upgrading our build space and machine shop. This included making table toppers for a handful of tables as well as constucting a mill cart from scratch. We’d like to give a huge ‘THANK YOU!’ to our friends FRC1817 RoboRaiders, and their mentor Richard Gale, for donating the mill. We promise we’ll put it to some good use!

The programming team made some good progress on Tuesday as they were able to acquire sensor data from the KOP sensors and began implementation of basic autonomous feedback control with that data.
On Thursday, the shooter team began to systematically gather data on the second shooter prototype. This data will be quite important when we begin work on the final design of our top-goal shooter.

After the hard work accomplished during the week, we decided Saturday should just be one long 3-double-oh-5 dance party. w00t w00t.